Women's Land Army
The Woman’s Land Army was created during World War I to recruit, train, and deploy non-farm women to work on farms. There were farmers wives and daughters already working on farms. Women working on a farm wasn’t a novelty to farm communities. But once the hired help who aided the farmer in the plowing, planting, and harvesting of crops was no longer available because the men had gone to war, the farmer and his family needed extra hands. Hence, the Woman’s Land Army grew out of a patriotic need, to not only feed America, but feed our military overseas and the Europeans suffering the devastation of war.
NSDOAF recognizes the women who left the comfort of their city life to learn the physical and mental skills needed to actually assist a farmer. These women made it possible for the farmer to prepare to plant a larger crop since he knew there would be enough help at harvest time.
Please explore our Honor Wall. Here you will read the names of the women that the National Society Descendants of American Farmers have found who served during World War I or World War II as ‘farmerettes’, which was the name that the young women gave themselves.
Please explore the NSDOAF bibliography page. There you will find resources available online and in your library that will expand your knowledge of the women who served at home during World War I and World War II.
For more information on the Women's Land Army, please contact us at NSDOAF.GA@gmail.com